• For industry...

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Copyright 2025 - Cowper Media Ltd -Video Production in Nottingham and East Midlands Freelance Cameraman

The production process can seem daunting at times, but with a little guidance from Cowper Media it can all run very smoothly.

After an initial meeting to ascertain the subject matter and most importantly the target audience of the programme, a written brief is given, with possible treatments for the programme, time scales and budgets. It is at this stage when the style of the programme is discussed;

  • should it have a presenter?...
  • voice-over?...
  • music?...
  • how will the programme 'look'?

This forms the basis of a shooting schedule, again organised by ourselves in conjunction with you, the client.

After making sure all locations and required crew are booked, the programme is then shot as per the agreed schedule, although a certain amount of flexibility is maintained to cope with the unforeseen, the English weather being one example. Although it is not necessary, clients are usually recommended to attend the shoot.  

Once shot, post production takes over, where the programme is assembled in our digital edit suite. This is where any voice-over, music and graphics are added.

The programme is then presented to the client for approval and subject to any changes, it is prepared for encoding ready for inclusion usually in a website, Youtube/Vimeo channel or other electronic delivery.

Here at Cowper Media we understand some people have more experience than others in the field of programme production, and so will provide as much or as little assistance as is required by each client.

Agency/Events Companies

If you run an agency or events company, we are more than happy to work under your name/umbrella, and guarantee discretion with clients.  Please call for more information.


For a freelance camera operator to shoot in Nottingham, the East Midlands or anywhere else for that matter, go to www.stevecowper.tv